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Carry yourself......

I Woke up in the morning thinking about the time when i decided to go for BBA.
Everyone told me i should not pursue BBA it will limit my options, but by that time i was sure what i have to do and how. I never regret the decision i took that day.
After deciding what to do the question was where, thinking about it i looked up in google listed out college i would like to go
So Symbiosis, Narsee Monjee, IIM I and Christ university.
Applied to all these universities hoping that I'll get selected in Atlest one, but one day i was talking about all this to a guy and he suggested me that i should apply in SRM as a backup and i did but i never thought of landing in SRM

But as the result of these university kept on coming and i was being rejected everywhere i had only one option left
Yeah SRM so i joined here.
But the funny part was if i was in any of those colleges my life would have been a lot different
I wouldn't have met few amazing people which are now a really great part of my life.
Trust me there was a time when i wanted to quit and leave everything and go back
I've been to my low points but I always picked myself up, dusted off my shoulders and kept on going. I'm not saying it's easy ,no it's a lot tougher than you think a lot
But you have the choice either give up yourself  or pick up yourself.
 If i had quit......
I wouldn't have met Ketan and i am really happy that i did, of all the people here the only guy i can say that he will vouch for me, he's a true friend, he is guider, a bit boring (not his fault) but a great guy

I wouldn't have met this girl(No names sorry) who made me realize we can love more than one person in our life , before coming here i was stuck with all the Feelings about a girl which i loved but
She made me realize life's failure is not a full stop it's just a coma the next sentence will start although we didn't work out, the relationship between us is complicated we both like each other but life is not that simple

So you might feel everything is going wrong, and life sucks, you got no one, everything is boring you just wanna quit
I know I've felt that but look at me i didn't quit and I'm happy now
There will always be a time where no one else will be there by your side and you have to carry yourself to the top.
Just remember get up, dress up, show up, and smile
That's it. That's it
That's all you have to do.

P. S. - Always smile even in pain
           Pick your jam
           Listen to this song(Best day of my life) 


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