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Feeling Bored. Be awesome instead

Everytime when you feel bored, start doing something legendary. The first stupid crazy idea pops into your head 
Because the time when you are being bored is universe giving you the opportunity to do stuff you won't do usually because life is busy and if you think before doing something
The moment will go, it's passing and you can't stop it, no one can 
So do something crazy which will make you laugh after a long time

My friend Ketan whenever i suggest him to do something awesome he denies it. You know why because Ketan is boring. (True story) 

Now you maybe wondering this guy says to something awesome but what awesome 
So let me tell you something, Awesomeness is achieved after breaking rules 
Okay okay stuff--------Rules--------Awesomeness

So just Go out and be Social and if nothing legendary happens that's okay 
You were gonna get bored anyways but in this way atleast you'll get to see a chick(for boys and lesbians)

P. S. - Don't wait up for company 
Specially when you don't have one.


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