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The day i started

So Starting today , blogs i always wanted to write blog i always had some or other things to talk about but i was distracted by something everytime.
But that phase has passed and here I'm beginning a new work
Hey guys this is Nitish Rai, I am a management student in Chennai India.

Okay so talking about today.
Like every college student i fought my way out of the bed today and gave myself consolation that one more day, as from tomorrow our college will be closed for 4 days so somehow i made it to the college

Things have been going kind of strange as my 2nd yr started a bit different than usual
A guy like me who always like his own company, there i was craving for company and friends. Last year staying in hostel was a rich experience everyone should endure once in their life. But 2nd year i planned to stay outside my campus and this is a decision which I'm not so proud of but as always things happens for a reason and "Never Regret Your Decision"
Trust me even when things are not going as you planned it would there's always something good waiting for you at the turning point so don't give up in between just keep on going, carry yourself if you have to but keep on going

With this faith i am crawling my way up to the top
Its a journey gotta finish it.

P. S. - Never use pick up line which are used in Tv series or Movies
They won't fall for that. Its always better to make up something at the moment.
P. S. - Never ignore a high no matter it's from Bro or Hoe


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