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The glassy girl - 1

Out of a special request here i am writing a story, about the glassy girl.

It all started when a small boy (Ray) got to know that his dad was getting a promotion and they have to move to a completely different place and start a whole new life.
He was scared and worried how everything will be because he had spent his entire childhood there but somewhere in his heart he was also excited. That he has a chance to start a new life.

So they shifted to place which was a small township full with trees and natural beauty. He really liked the place. And then he got admission in near by school. First day of school, he sat in school bus only to find a boy sitting in the back with little drops of tears in his eyes. He didn't say anything just sat next to him, the guy pulled himself together and started the conversation with little introduction and talking about each other. Ray was happy that he got a good friend who can show him around. (He had no idea that this guy is going to be his best friend for the rest of his life)
So he came to the class and was excited. After coming to class and getting settled.
The first girl he noticed was a girl wearing cute square framed glass and was sitting with her best friend.
                                      Ray liked her a lot, but he was new to the place and didn't know anything about talking to girl, making friends so all this was huge for him. So he didn't give much notice to that girl then.
But he never knew she was going to play a huge part in his life.

To be continued......... 


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