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Every First thing.......

Getting started, that beginning of something new for the very first time that feeling feels good. It feels that you're starting something meaningful and productive, so every time you step in to some area be it Reading, writing, riding, relationship etc. That first step or the first thing is really memorable which defines you, which leaves an impact and help you carve yourself. And it's important to remember those things because where ever you are now you will always know that you started with that first things, it was your stepping stone.

For me there have been many pleasurable first experience.

Relationships - Everyone goes through these things many times in your life, you might have a lot of relationship. But you can never forget the first girl in your life. Now i know you guys will be like "C'mon bro, I'm over her and i have moved on i don't remember her and all" and yes you may have I'm not saying you haven't but every time you start a new relationship someway or other you try to find some quality like your first partner and it's okay cuz again,
First ones are first ones.

Riding- Personal opinion prefer cars cuz you know *whispering* (it's a lot safer and you won't fall and there are walls and airbags) but again it's just personal opinion.
I know you will be like "this guy doesn't know anything about riding and he's just making things up"
Well not exactly I've experienced long bike rides and long car rides and i guess even you may have too, so you really want to argue about what's better.
Anyways my first riding experience was really great i mean apart from the fact that few days after getting my bike I've been in accident but yeah first time for everything.
The first time you ride anything that feel, that breez on your face and the smile you have nothing feels better.

Reading- The first book, really really important because it literally decides that are you going to read another one the first one was enough for the life time.
So i took my time deciding which book to choose I've literally spent days in library figuring out which book to choose but i could never decide.
Thank god i was rescued by a very special person in my life, apparently i picked my first book today and it's "Paper towns by John Green" and it's really meaningful and special for me because it is really special to her so I'm glad this will be my first book.

Writing- Okay for me it all started with a thought that "hey how about i write a diary, so that years and years later i could read and laugh at every special and crazy thing i did in my childhood" so i started from there and then i gor obsessed with it and i wanted to broad my horizon i always wanted to write a blog but always turned it down for silly reason and again the credit goes to her,
the same girl who picked my first book also encouraged me to write blogs and here i am doing so.

So take a moment to show gratitude to the first thing that helped you start something new. Thank yourself for taking that decision because somehow you are who you are because of your decisions.


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