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Anarchists I've always hated that term. I have never encouraged the idea of someone rebelling or creating riots against the people with power. The idea of changing the world is good, but playing with power is not easy specially controlling it.

World is changing we are being spied on, we are being controlled, we are being played. Our choices, preferences is being controlled. We are not free in this so called "free" world.

We are obedient. We are forced to obey the law. The law that benefits the powerful.

We neither asked for this nor we are going to adhere it.
Its time to....................
Are you willing to face the consequences ?
Are you prepared to face it ?
Are you ready to be free ?
How did you find me? 
How did you end up here?
Let me Guess. Social Media.

The Social media giants like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram they are invading your privacy, they are controlling you.
If you think even for a second they are there for you, for your benefit you're already too deep in this sh*t
because of you they are standing at :-

Facebook: 15.9 Billion USD
Twitter: 10 Billion USD
Instagram: 169 Crores USD
Snapchat: 3.8 Billion USD

Now ask yourself where do you stand.

The first step towards eradicating the problem is identifying there is one.
Do not follow.
Do not be forced.
Do not agree


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